sábado, 20 de julho de 2019


«At the end of 1996, Greenspan began to think about proposing. At a birthday dinner for Mitchell with a dozen of close friends at Galileo, one of Washington's best Italian restaurants, Greenspan gave a glowing toast to her. A number of guests felt it was as near to a proposal of marriage as possible, with the expected next sentence to be a request that she marry him. But it never came.

He later confided to one person that he actually proposed to Mitchell twice before she accepted, but either she had not understood what he was saying or it had failed to register. His verbal obscurity and caution were so ingrained that Mitchell didn't even know that he had asked her to marry him. She found it difficult to understand the depth of his emotional commitment to her.

On Christmas Day, Greenspan finally asked, flat out, "Do you want a big wedding or a small wedding?" It as a message no one could miss.

Mitchell was taken by surprise but accepted at once.»

Maestro, Bob Woodward

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